Getting your childcare center finances ready for the holiday season

Getting your childcare center finances ready for the holiday season

Happy Holidays!!!

The holiday season is upon us once again, and–along with all your usual traditions–if you’re a HiMama Billing & Payments Processing customer, there are a few other items you should take care of this season. 

Here are three things to keep in mind while you’re getting your childcare center finances ready for the end of this year:

1. Subsidy Update

We’ve made some huge strides this past year when it comes to our in-app Billing functionality. The latest upgrade is a new version of our Subsidy Feature–in case you missed out, you can watch these videos to learn all about tracking funding and our Billing app reporting capabilities.

2. Pausing Automated Invoices

If your center is closing over the holidays, make sure you turn off any tuition plans so that you’re not generating invoices over the course of your closure. Not sure how to do that? There’s a great article on the HiMama Help Center that can guide you!

3. Tax Season

We know: it’s the last thing you want to be thinking about over the holidays, but tax season prep starts now! Want to get ahead of the curve? We’ve updated our in-app tax receipts to include your Tax ID/EIN and your center’s address! 

Just head over to the Logins & Configurations page ➡️Click “Center Settings” ➡️ Enter and save your tax number and address. This information will automatically populate onto your children’s tax receipts once you pull them from the Billing page ➡️ Children tab ➡️Drop down menu to the right of each child’s name.

If you’re in need of something more robust than what our in-app solution offers for tax receipts, contact us to chat – we may be able to help you out with your own specific needs!

As always, if you have questions don’t hesitate to contact our Tech Support team if you need immediate assistance with Billing & Payments Processing Mon-Fri 8AM-6PM EST at 1-844-975-1275 or [email protected].

Happy Holidays!

