Category American Education Services

American Education Services

American Education Services (AES) is a key player in the student loan industry, offering a suite of services to help students and their families finance higher education. Established with the goal of making education more accessible, AES provides a variety of loan products and support services. Understanding how AES operates and what it offers can help borrowers manage their student loans more effectively.

The Role of American Education Services

Facilitating Access to Education

AES primarily serves as a loan servicer, managing the billing and other services on behalf of the lender. By doing so, AES ensures that students have the financial support they need to pursue their educational goals. This role is critical in a landscape where the cost of education continues to rise, making loans a necessity for many.

Loan Servicing Functions

As a loan servicer, AES handles various aspects of student loans, from processing payments to providing customer … Read more

7 Kickass Tips to Improve your Personality

One’s personality can either be a game changer or a game stopper. Everyone around us is obsessed with having a likeable and respected personality. Every personality is different depending on the behaviours, feelings, emotions, thinking, etc of the individual. This means that every personality trait comes with its own positive and negative qualities. However, this does not mean that you cannot improve and overcome these negative traits that may make your personality unpleasing. The countless resources available around us help in polishing existing skills and developing new ones. One such very important resource is enrolling in a good personality development course which aims at bringing you close to the pattern of behaviours, thinking, attitude, etc, that can have a lot of positive effects on your life and career.

There are several factors that affect or play a role in building your personality. Some of these factors are:

  • Family
  • Peers and
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Kathak Dance From Which State ?

Kathak has an important place in the classical dance styles of India. From north to south and east to west – this dance form is omnipresent, popularised, and well-known. Kathak is also one of the first Indian classical dance forms that have developed extensively by adapting all aspects of the social, cultural, and traditional conditions of every era in its art.

Kathak Dance from Which State 

Another synonym of Kathak is found in Sanskrit shlokas known as “Kushilav”. According to our mythological stories, Luv and Kush sang the Ramayana composed by Maharishi Valmiki in the court of Lord Ram, which influenced the public. It also helped them establish themselves. Their way of performing these musical stories was adopted by the masses as means of livelihood and that’s how they adopted the identity of the Kushilavas. Through this adoption and propagation, Valmiki Ji is identified as the first “Kathak” (verb). 


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