Archives September 2019

University Of Minnesota Twin Cities

UniversityThe Governor’s Academy for Engineering Studies is an award-successful STEM specialty heart that supports palms-on engineering training.

If there is a class action lawsuit being filed, I WANT IN!!! UOP is nothing more than a SCAM. I enrolled to be taught medical billing and coding with an Associates Degree connected. I diligently applied myself, acquired A’s and B’s for some totatally unrelated courses – only to talk on to UOP’s workers stating that they TOUCHED ON MEDICAL BILLING AND CODING!!! My heart sank. I knew right then-and-there that I had been taken. I only needed to raised myself. Fortunately I bailed out, but an paying my STUDENT LOAN. I am ready to hitch this swimsuit in order that this sham would not occur to anybody else. They (UOP) must be shut down!!!

Add me to this!! My email is [email protected] with information please contact me as effectively! Long story brief … Read more