Archives December 2018

What The U.S. State Department Can Learn From The Musical ‘Hamilton’

State DepartmentWASHINGTON About 900 U.S. State Department officials signed an inside dissent memo protesting a journey ban by U.S. President Donald Trump on refugees and vacationers from seven Muslim-majority international locations, a source conversant in the document said on Tuesday, in a riot in opposition to the new president’s insurance policies.

The ashes stuffed a black plastic field about the measurement of a toaster. It weighed three and a half kilos. I put it in a canvas tote bag and packed it in my suitcase this previous July for the transpacific flight to Manila. From there I would travel by automotive to a rural village. When I arrived, I would hand over all that was left of the girl who had spent 56 years as a slave in my household’s household.

Counselor : Ranking with the Under Secretaries, the Counselor is the Secretary’s and Deputy Secretary’s particular advisor and guide on … Read more